Friends of Bayside Litter Patrol

26 tons of litter removed since 2017!

9000 bags of litter removed

Believe it or not that equates to 26+ tons of garbage,rubbish etc.

1500 Reports

For example: reporting graffiti, dumped mattresses, vandalism etc.

Extensive Lobbying done

Our lobbying has focused Bayside Council on keeping footpaths and nature strips clean, tidy and smooth.

Our story

Bayside Roads Litter Patrol was founded and is led by Derek Jones and is supported by Bayside City Council. The group joined NHW Bayside in 2023. Currently there are some 40 volunteers in the group, and we welcome new members.
We “patrol” the City of Bayside from Charman Road Beaumaris to Glenhuntly Road Elwood, and from the Nepean Highway to St Kilda Street and Beach Road. There are some fifty designated roadside litter patrol routes covering open spaces and roadside litter hot spots in Bayside and including seven railway stations.
Each litter patrol is two to three kilometers in length which is usually patrolled at least twice each month. Currently, there are about forty of these routes being patrolled, plus another fifteen short routes around the Royal Melbourne, Victoria and Sandringham Golf course side-road frontages, so that’s about 100 kilometers, or almost half of the Bayside’s streets and public space areas being regularly cleared of litter.
The patrols are centred around golf courses, public parks and gardens, sports grounds, bushland reserves and public infrastructure, including car parks, community centres, schools, libraries and main roads etc.
Meticulous removal of open space and public infrastructure litter is the main task, with bottles, cans, coffee cups, fast food and supermarket packaging, sweets wrappers, tissues, plastic, cigarette butts and packets the main targets for collection as well as hard rubbish such as household and industrial items. 
Basically, each of the team members do their patrols independently, when it suits them, and when it is needed, especially if there is a major litter attack or it’s in a high-level litter area, such as a railway station/bus stop/major or minor activity precinct.
There are also a number of ‘hot spot’ streets that are monitored weekly such as Tulip Street Sandringham, Cheltenham Road Black Rock, Talinga Road near the Bayside Council transfer station, Graham Road Highett and Martin Street Gardenvale, all of which are magnets for litter vandals dumping hard rubbish, as well as Nepean Highway, Hampton Street, South Road and Bluff Road, which they patrol from Black Rock Village to South Road.
The shopping precincts presently covered include Gardenvale, Hampton, Black Rock Village, Seaview Beaumaris and Beaumaris Concourse which are patrolled regularly, but all other shopping strips in the City of Bayside do need regular litter patrols.
Railway stations, bus terminals and their environs (Major Activity Centres) are serious litter hotspots due to the high volume of people using them and so Sandringham, Middle Brighton, North Brighton, Gardenvale, Cheltenham Hampton and Brighton Beach are either being patrolled or under the radar.

Monthly Reports and Get-together

At the end of each month, each patroller is asked to report on the number of bags of litter collected and any incident reports to authorities or the App “Snap Send and Solve” of roadside dumps or vandalism/graffiti events. A monthly activity report is then sent to key members of BCC waste and open space management.

On the first Tuesday each month at 10:30am there is an informal review over coffee at the Sandringham Golf Links

Our Volunteers

Our volunteers are all ages, and they have one thing in common – they hate litter and want to see it gone

Incident Reports Contacts

Graffiti, Leanne Johnson –

Environment Volunteer Support –Anna Malone,

Illegal dumps, vandalism etc.  –

Citywide: foreshore, coastal path from Head St Brighton to Charman Rd.

oOhmedia: bus shelter vandalism 1800 501 402.

Australia Post: post offices and boxes etc.

Metro Trains: graffiti, vandalism

Telstra: man-hole covers, telephone boxes, etc.

United Energy: power substations, light poles etc.    

Snap Send Solve App: dumped supermarket trolleys and local and state government authorities for graffiti, vandalism, water leaks on roads, burst water mains, graffiti etc.