Community Forums

NHW Bayside runs Community Meetings and Forums periodically

These are usually free for residents.

Below are typical of Meetings and Forums we have organised in the past. We appreciate your ideas and suggestions for future Forums and any speakers you would recommend – complete the form below with any ideas you might have.

Scams Awareness

NHW Bayside has organised three highly successful scams awareness Forums which were very well attended. We will be run more forums on this topic in 2025.

Community Crime Meeting

NHW organises meetings as Community Meetings as needs dictate. In 2024 we organised or participated in three Community Meetings in Beaumaris and Sandringham. NHW’s President Philip Lovel was involved with all three events.

Safety Sense

We held a Safety Sense Forum in 2021. This was well received, and we will repeat this if residents wish

Coping with Drugs

This Forum held at Sandringham Bowls Club

Typical Format of our Forums

Typically, our Forums are held in the evenings in the early part of the week – typically 6.00 – 8.30 p.m.

We usually invite three guest speakers who are experts in their field and usually Victoria Police and a local member attend. We always have a panel discussion where residents are given the opportunity to comment or ask questions.

Our Forums usually attract an audience between 100 -300 people.

Send us your suggestions