About your Neighbourhood Watch Bayside

We want Bayside to be as safe and happy as possible


Neighbourhood Watch Bayside was established in 2024 as a result of the merging of all Bayside NHW groups
Neighbourhood Watch was founded in the 1980’s but gradually declined in Bayside until Philip Lovel in Black Rock and Geoff Bransbury in Beaumaris revitalised the concept as a “community group” and formed NHW3193. This merged with NHW Sandringham in 2023 and then Brighton/Hampton in 2024.


Neighbourhood Watch Bayside wants Bayside to be a place that we are all proud to belong. We want it to be as safe and clean as possible.
Traditionally NHW groups aim to minimise preventable crime through education and close working relationship with Victoria Police. We still pursue these goals but today we see ourselves as a community group with a wider vision, which is to make Bayside a happy and harmonious a place to live.


Our high quality, quarterly Newsletter is our flagship. This now is distributed by over 200 volunteers to every household in Bayside and provides information on crime prevention and much more.
NHW maintains close relations with Council and Police and local Members. We hold Community Forums, participate in Community events. We have a Litter Patrol Group and Graffiti Busters Groups. We support CPR initiatives and will get involved with anything that we perceive will make Bayside better and happier.

Members and Volunteers

All at NHW Bayside are volunteers. We have no staff. Our volunteers are everything.
Membership is free and ideally, we would like everyone in Bayside to become a member.
We have a Board (Officers of the Group), ad an active Committee which is by invitation. We welcome new people to our Committee 
Members are NOT expected to also be active volunteers but are welcome to join in if they so wish. Volunteering activities are as varied as our activities form newsletter delivery to litter or graffiti removal to newsletter editing!

Funding and Sponsorship

Neighbourhood Watch Bayside receives no funding from any source other than through our own efforts
We pay for our activates through fundraising, grants, donations, sponsorships and advertisements.
We are grateful to our major sponsors, Bayside City Council and Bendigo Community Bank Sandringham who contribute to the cost of printing our newsletter. The balance is funded via advertisements.
Please help us through your donations and through supporting our newsletter advertisers by purchasing from them.

Join NHW Bayside and/or Donate

Become a Member of NHW Bayside. It’s free and open to residents of Bayside.
We Welcome all who wish to volunteer but it is not a membership requirement.
To join, contact info@nnhwbayside.com.au and request a membership form
Donations are very much appreciated. To make a donation, our banking details are as follows:
Neighbourhood Watch Bayside
BSB 633 000
Account 167 678 424

Meet your Board and Committee

Our Board

President – Philip Lovel AM
Vice President – Geoff Bransbury OAM
Secretary – Ellen McCartney
Treasurer – Alan Gaskell
General – Philip Witherow

(By Invitation)

Vivian Shannon 
Duncan Gibson 
Derek Jones
Geoff Elston
Eva Clapham
Ken Beadle
Campbell Sinclair
Ed Davis
Tim Warner
Tony McKenna


Newsletter – Geoff Bransbury
Social Media – Vivian Shannon
Assistant Treasurer – Tony McKenna

Our President - Philip Lovel AM

Philip and his wife Jane have lived in Bayside for over 50 years.
Philip has a long background in working with Authorities and industry for over 40 years and was CEO of the Victorian Transport Association.
With his personality, experience and his many years of business leadership, he is a dynamic leader of the NHW Bayside team.
Philip is dedicated to ensuring the Bayside community is safe and secure.
In 2024 Bayside Phil was nominated Bayside Senior Citizen of the year and Beaumaris Rotary recognised him by nominating him a Paul Harris Fellow..

Our Board - Elected Officers

Geoff Bransbury OAM
Vice President

Geoff has lived in Beaumaris for 40 years.

He was CEO for his own Company Applied Learning Inc that specialised in IT Software and Training and also was a business and CEO mentor.
He is editor of our newsletter and also founded Graffiti Busters Group.
He was awarded the Paul Harris fellowship by Beaumaris Rotary in 2024

Ellen McCartney

Ellen has lived in Sandringham, and then Hampton for her whole life.
She juggled her working life around the family, having various office administration roles. Volunteering started when the children began kindergarten, then through school and sporting activities.  
She started with Neighbourhood Watch Sandringham some 20 plus years ago as Secretary and Newsletter Editor.

Alan Gaskell

Alan has lived in Bayside for over 70 years. He is married to Jenni.
His business career was from finance with BHP to MD role with BHP Linatex Australia.
He was a member of Mentone Girls’ Grammar School Council 1990 – 2003
He is a foundation member of NHW Black Rock and Friends of Bayside Roads Litter patrol. 

Phil Witherow
General Board Menber

Alan has lived in Bayside for more than 70 years. He is married to Jenni.
His business career was from finance with BHP to MD role with BHP Linatex Australia.
He was a member of Mentone Girls’ Grammar School Council 1990 – 2003
He is a foundation member of NHW Black Rock and Bayside Council’s Friends of Bayside Roads Litteer patrol. He is also our BBQ Chef when we have our events!

Our Committee - By Invitation

Duncan Gibson

Duncan has been Beaumaris resident for over 40 years.
His background in insurance and property along with a hobby interest in maintaining small engine equipment supports NHW in practical ways, particularly in graffiti and litter removal.
Duncan is a founding member of NHW Beaumaris and Graffiti Busters and our Secretary in 2022

Vivian Shannon

Vivian and her family are relative newcomers to Beaumaris but have enthusiastically embraced the community. 
Viv is our Social Media manager. With her 30 years’ experience in Sales and Marketing this is perfect for her role. 
Viv is always prepared to assist in everything we do and is a highly respected member of our committee.

Eva Clapham

Eva has had a lifelong interest in education and a lifelong interest in volunteering.
She has been on kinder committees, school committees and through Bayside council is currently involved with a local group assisting with activities for the aged 
Eva has assisted NHW Bayside as a Graffiti Buster, Zone deliverer and general volunteer. 

Geoff Elston

Geoff has lived in Black Rock for over 50 years. Geoff was a civil engineer with Vic Roads for some 30 years.
He is one of the founding Committee members of NHW Black Rock and Graffiti Busters and is our “go-to” person for all our projects whenever we need something done. 

Duncan Gibson

Duncan has been Beaumaris resident for over 40 years.
His background in insurance and property along with a hobby interest in maintaining small engine equipment supports NHW in practical ways, particularly in graffiti and litter removal.
Duncan is a founding member of NHW Beaumaris and Graffiti Busters and our Secretary in 2022

Derek Jones

Derek has lived in Black Rock and Beaumaris for more than forty years.
He was in the newspaper industry for many years and was the founder of the public relations firm Currie Communications.
He was the Australia Day Bayside Senior Citizen of the Year in 2021 and is the founder of the Friends of Bayside Roads Litter Patrol.

Tim Warner

Eva has had a lifelong interest in education and a lifelong interest in volunteering.
She has been on kinder committees, school committees and through Bayside council is currently involved with a local group assisting with activities for the aged 
Eva has assisted NHW Bayside as a Graffiti Buster, Zone deliverer and general volunteer. 

Tony McKenna

Tony McKenna has lived in Brighton for the last 10 years and is now retired. Two children and 3 grandchildren also live in the Brighton area.
He is a qualified accountant and company secretary and worked in the not-for-profit sector for the last 30 years.
He joined NHW Bayside in 2025 and is our assistant Treasurer

Campbell Sinclair

Campbell Sinclair calls Sandringham home. He worked in private practice as a Consultant Psychologist and recently completed 10 years (Pro Bono) service with the Royal Flying Doctor service (Mental Health) he was awarded the Bernice Jenkins RFDS Volunteer of the year in 2018.
He is past Director of the Sandringham Community Bank for 7 years.

Ed Davis

Ed has a history in hotels and customer satisfaction programs and published The Gentle Art of Listening which has been featured in Communication Materclasses with several universities in Australia and Korea.
He’s active in a variety of community projects.
Ed recreated NHW Brighton and in 2024 merged this into NHW Bayside.

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