About your Neighbourhood Watch Bayside

We want Bayside to be as safe and happy as possible

About NHW 3193

Neighbourhood Watch discontinued in Bayside 3193 in the 1980’s.

It was re-started in Black Rock by Philip Lovel and in Beaumaris by Geoff Bransbury in 2017/2018 with a new vision.

Whist retaining its original aims to minimise crime, the new NHW 3193 sees itself as a Community Group concerned with the overall wellbeing of our community.

The two groups merged in 2019 to form NHW 3193 Inc.


Your Committee

Our President – Philip Love AM

Vice President – Geoff Bransbury 

Secretary – Duncan Gibson

Treasurer – Alan Gaskell

Social media is Vivian Shannon

Committee Members -Ken Beadle Simon Appel, Geoff Elston and Eva Clapham

Newsletter – Geoff Bransbury 

Members and Volunteers

In December 2022 we had over 200 members and Volunteers in NHW 3193

Ideally, we would like everyone in 3193 to become members of 3193 as it shows commitment to the community.

Membership is free and there is no necessity for Members to volunteer. Should Members wish t0o volunteer, there are many opportunities.

Volunteers are covered under NHW Victorias insurance.


NHW 3193 Supporters

NHW 3193 has close relations with Victoria Police and of course NHW Victoria.

We are grateful to the support we receive from the Bendigo Bank and Bayside Council who have awarded us with several community grants.

We thank our many newsletter advertisers without which we could not fund the newsletter 

Most importantly, we thank our volunteers. We have some 70 zone deliverers who deliver newsletters and flyers. 

Meet your Committee


Philip Lovel AM - President

Philip and his wife Jane have lived in Bayside for over 50 years.

Philip has a long background in working with Authorities and industry for over 40 years as a CEO and currently is a Non-Executive Director of a major International Shipping Terminal.

Using his many years of business experience, he loves to be the leader of the NHW 3193 team to ensure we achieve outcomes that are needed for all residents and local traders.

Philip is dedicated to ensuring the 3193 community is safe and secure.


Geoff Bransbury - Vice President and Newsletter Editor

Geoff and wife Merry have lived in Beaumaris for 40 years. 

His background was as CEO for his own Company Applied Learning Inc that specialised in IT Software and Training. He has also acted as a business and CEO mentor.

Geoff is editor of our newsletter and also founded our Graffiti Busters group. Merry has been the driving force behind our pet walls.

Duncan Gibson - Committee

Duncan and wife Janette have been Beaumaris residents for over 40 years.

His background in insurance and property along with a hobby interest in maintaining small engine equipment supports NHW3193 in practical ways, particularly in graffiti removal where we have been conspicuously successful.

Duncan is a founding member of NHW Beaumaris and Graffiti Busters and our Secretary in 2022



Alan Gaskell - Treasurer

Alan has lived in Bayside for more than 70 years.he is married to Jenni.

His business career was from finance with BHP to MD role with BHP Linatex Australia.

He was a member of Mentone Girls’ Grammar School Council 1990 – 2003

He is a foundation member of NHW Black Rock and Bayside Council’s Friends of Bayside Roads Litteer patrol. He is also our BBQ Chef when we have our events!


Vivian Shannon - Committee and Social Media

Vivian and her husband Guy, along with their two teenage daughters, are relative newcomers to Beaumaris but have enthusiastically embraced the community. 

Viv is our Social Media manager. With her   30 years’ experience in Sales and Marketing this is perfect for her role. 

Viv is always prepared to assist in everything we do and is a highly respected member of our committee.

Ken Beadle - Committee

Geoff Elston - Committee


Eva Clapham - Committee

Ellen McCartney- Secretary

Ken and wife Margie have lived in Beaumaris for over 40 years. Ken was Bayside Mayor and a Councilor for many years.  Ken’s is as a Chemical Engineer by training and has been involved with many large projects world -wide amongst which was the construction of oil refineries at Cribb point and elsewhere.

He is a founding member of NHW Beaumaris and Graffiti Busters and has been a major contributor in most of our NHW 3193 projects.

Geoff and wife Sheryl have lived in Black Rock for over 50 years. Geoff was a civil engineer with Vic Roads for some 30 years.

He is one of the founding Committee members of NHW Black Rock and Graffiti Busters and is our “go-to” person for all our projects whenever we need something done. 

Geoff is also known as someone always willing to chat so say hi to him when next you see him

Eva has had a lifelong interest in education and a lifelong interest in volunteering.

She has been on kinder committees, school committees and through Bayside council is currently involved with a local group assisting with activities for the aged as well as being involved in an inter-generational program run by council.

Eva has assisted NHW 3193 as a Graffiti Buster, Zone deliverer and general volunteer. Eva joined the Committee in 2022


Ellen joined us when we merged with NHW Sandringham. We will add her photo and story soon