Theft of Motor Vehicles

70% of late model cars are stolen with their own keys!

Most car thefts occur in or around private residences, so it is important to take steps to protect your car even when it is parked in a garage, driveway or on a residential street.

Consider consulting a trusted installer for advice on what precautions are best suited for your vehicle type:

  • An anti-theft device such as an immobilizer, visible locking device, ignition shield or battery isolator.  There are many different types and all provide the same level of protection.

  • A car alarm and/or steering wheel lock.

  • A bonnet lock.

  • A GPS tracking device.

Keep a record of all vehicle details for telephoning police:

  • Registration number and state registered

  • Vehicle make, colour, type, model, body type

  • Upholstery colour, Auto/Manual

  • Year of make, engine number

  • Vin/Chassis number

  • Radio fitted

  • Anti-theft device

  • LPG fitted

  • Insurance Company

For immediate Police assistance call 000.To report information about a crime, contact Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.