Most car thefts occur in or around private residences, so it is important to take steps to protect your car even when it is parked in a garage, driveway or on a residential street.
Consider consulting a trusted installer for advice on what precautions are best suited for your vehicle type:
An anti-theft device such as an immobilizer, visible locking device, ignition shield or battery isolator. There are many different types and all provide the same level of protection.
A car alarm and/or steering wheel lock.
A bonnet lock.
A GPS tracking device.
Keep a record of all vehicle details for telephoning police:
Registration number and state registered
Vehicle make, colour, type, model, body type
Upholstery colour, Auto/Manual
Year of make, engine number
Vin/Chassis number
Radio fitted
Anti-theft device
LPG fitted
Insurance Company