Community Activities

NHW Bayside activities for our Community

NHW Bayside is a community group, and we involve ourselves with many different community activities. 

Click the links below to see more information on some of our past activities


NHW Bayside regards murals as “graffiti mitigation.
We have painted five murals so far in Beaumaris and Black Rock. The first in Bluff Road carpark Black Rock. Also, in Black Rock you will see our “Life Savers” mural on Beach Road. In Beaumaris you can’t miss our “Landmark Mural” on the Post office. In Seaview we painted the toilet block. 

Art Show

 In 2023, We organised an Art Retrospective for local Artist Paul Crompton at Brighton Town
It was an art show like no other. 
$60,000 was raised for the Artist and his charity “Defence Community Dogs”. Guests were given Devonshire teas and drinks. 97 % of the paintings were sold. Hundreds came. It was a huge success

Graffiti Busters

Geoff Bransbury, Ken Beadle and Duncan Gibson started Graffiti Busters in 2018 in Beaumaris. Phil Witherow started Hampton in 2022. We now cover all Bayside.
We are all volunteers, and the groups operate on strict safety and quality standards. Graffiti is removed from private property at no cost to the owner

Community Forums

NHW Bayside Community Forums aim to provide education and discussion on community concerns or crime prevention.

We have held free Forums on scams, drugs, safety as well as general Community Forums initiated as a result of local crime issues. 

CPR/Defibrillator Initiative

There is just 4 minutes before brain damage sets in after a cardiac arrest. CPR and the use of defibrillators can extend this time and save lives. 
In 2024 NHW Bayside started a program to offer CPR training and to encourage the installation of defibrillators in local streets throughout Bayside

Bayside Litter Patrol Group

Derek Jones started the Litter Patrol in 2017. There are now over 40 volunteers who regularly patrol their allocated route removing litter and reporting graffiti, dumped rubbish etc. 
Since they started, the Litter Patrol has collected 9000 bags of litter equating to 26 tons.

Safety Plate Days

NHW and Victoria Police hold periodic “Plate Days” whereby safety (non – removable) screw are fixed to registration plates to make them secure form theft.
Safety screws are fitted at no charge to the resident’s car. 

Coffee with the Cops

A very popular event held several times per year is Coffee with the Cops or with the mayor.
The concept is that residents meet with the Police and discuss issues important to them in a relaxed environment. Philip Lovel our President, chairs these sessions.  These sessions are held throughout Bayside



Containers for Fire Victims

Fire devastated Gippsland in 2017 and NHW 3193 purchased two containers and filled them with food, tools and household items donated by the community. 
Artist Daiana Ingleton painted the containers helped by students from BSC. Trucks were provided free by Camerons and VFS. A send off party was held.



Community Presentations

NHW Bayside Committee members often make presentations to Community Groups.
Examples of this are Scams Presentations to Aged Care groups, Presentations on various topics to Rotary, Lions and Probus Groups 

Communty Events

NHW Bayside attends many community events every year. 
Examples of this are Community Christmas Events, Council Sponsored Events such as a Volunteer Expo, Rotary Markets and more. 

Whimsical Windows

Each year since 2001 in Beaumaris, local artists paint “whimsical” paintings on the windows of some 50 traders in Beaumaris Concourse. 
A prize is awarded to the winning trader.
 This project was inspired by Michele Laragy and Merry Bransbury and


NHW Fundraising

NHW Bayside is a 100% volunteer organisation that receives no funding from any source. 
We are dependent on Sponsors, Donations, Grants, Advertisers and Fundraising.
Our fundraising activities are many and varied. 
We occasionally do a sausage sizzle at Bunnings, a raffle at a Rotary market or Candy Floss at an Xmas event.

Newsletter Delivery

Our Newsletter today is delivered to over 45,000 homes and businesses in Bayside from Beaumaris to Brighton.
Bayside has been divided to over 250 zones of about 200 letterboxes and to deliver the newsletter we need a pool of 300 volunteers.
This is a huge organisational task, and we thank our loyal and dependable volunteers without whom there would be no newsletter.

Sign Replacement Initiative

In the 1980″s NHW installed NHW signs on hundreds of light poles throughout Melbourne depicting the area as a NHW protection zone.
These signs have faded over the years.
NHW Bayside is gradually replacing these signs to refresh them. 
This project is led by Tim Barbour

NHW Social Events

 All work and no play is no fun! 
We therefore hold occasional events for our committee members, their partners, our close suppliers, friends of NHW and special volunteers.  
Social events are usually held to celebrate a specific event such as the completion of our Art Show, Container Project or when our President, Philip Lovel in 2024 was awarded bayside Senior Citizen of the year.

NHW 's Lobbying and Committee Representations

NHW Bayside sees our role as representatives of our community to Council, Police and other authorities.
We maintain close and excellent relationships with Police, Council and our Political Representatives of all parties.
We are a member of Traders Association in some suburbs and are members of Bayside City Council Safety Committee

Crime Report Data Base

The Police no longer provide Crime information to NHW, so we are unable to publish general details in our Newsletter.
In late 2024 we established our Crime Reports Data Base. See main menu – Fighting Crime.
We ask residents of to provide us with details of crimes they have experienced. 
These will not be published but will be used by us, with permission, in our representations to the authorities.

Let’s Make Bayside Even Better

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