CPR and Defibrillators

NHW Bayside CPR and Defibrillator Initiative


NHW Bayside together with Community First Responders Australia (CFRA) commenced an imitative in 2024 to offer CPR training to residents of Bayside.

Our hope is that many people after taking the training course would register themselves (through CFRA) as Good SAM responders. (explained below).

A second initiative commenced in 2024 was to encourage groups of residents to install “street based” defibrillators in their local area. 

Time is critical after a cardiac arrest. There is only some 4 minutes before brain damage sets in. CPR extends this time and use of a defibrillator will extend the time further. Having a defibrillator close to your home might your life.

What is GoodSAM and a GoodSAM Responder

GoodSAM is a phone App. A GoodSAM Responder is someone like you or me or who has learnt how to do CPR and is prepared to help in an emergency and registered as a “Responder”. (CFRA will arrange this with Ambulance Victoria
Triple 000, when notified of a cardiac arrest, will dispatch an ambulance and notify the nearest three GoodSAM responders
GoodSAM shows the exact location of the emergency and also the nearest defibrillator. The Responder can accept or decline. If they accept, they may be able to reach the person and administer CPR before the ambulance

Everyone should install the Emergency Plus App

The Emergency Plus App shows exactly where you are at any time. 
It uses “What 3 Words” – The world has been divided into 3-meter squares -Three words represent each square.
These 3 words appear on the Emergency Plus App.
In an emergency, tell Triple 000 these words and the Ambulance will know EXACTLY where you are – But you have to have the App…. Download it today!

NHW Bayside Street Defibrillator initiative

This might save your life or the life of a family member or Neighbour

NHW Bayside and Community First Responders Australia are promoting the installation of local street “Shock Stations” (defibrillators) in local streets. The concept being that Neighbours in a small area club together to install a defibrillator on a nearby home. 

All It requires is a street “champion” in the street to gain support of the residents within a range of about 500 approximately  metres.

A high-quality defibrillator is installed in a waterproof box and serviced for at least 10 years. It is registered with Ambulance Victoria. Training for contributing Neighbours is included. The cost (January 2025) is about $4000, or about $100 for say 40 contributors.
